
Memories April 30, 2011

Filed under: Randomness — soon2bebride @ 12:01 am
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I heard that they are reformatting Friendster and removing all testimonials so I’ve decided to login back again and check if there’s something there that needs to be saved. As I was reading all the testimonials of friends, my head was covered with flashbacks of good memories. There is definitely something to save here!

Since this is a wedding blog, I want to share with you Sengki’s past messages and testimonials from my Friendster account. I was laughing while reading this. I think I like the old Sengki better. He’s so much sweeter and vocal back then!!! Hahahahahaha! 🙂

Jun 23, 2008 04:53 PM
Happy Birthday! hehe I love you. lol

Mar 04, 2008 04:52 PM
Happy Anniversary! Ta gra agam ort! ^_^

Feb 13, 2008 03:07 PM
Happy Valentines! v ybir lbh

May 08, 2005 03:28 AM
Bonjour aprs avoir suivi ma classe
franaise je pouvais crire ce
tmoignage mon amie. Je veux juste
dire qu’I l’aiment tellement… Pour moi
elle est amie le plus beau et le plus
sexy dans le monde entier. Je m’ennuie
d’elle tellement aprs que son sjour
dans la porcelaine. Je me suis servi d’un
langage franais pour signifier mon
amour (le Franais est la langue de
l’amour)…. elda de cas de prise et je
t’aime !

Oct 09, 2003 09:16 AM
so what is elda.. as the german call
it.. elda means gums…. well so what
do these germans mean when they say
gums.. gums stands for your gilagid..
and it simbolizes yur being happy
gilalid is always associated with
laghter and smile. elda is a very
person .. i mean a very funny
person… shes not funny because she
cracks some joke but because she likes
my jokes.. hehe 🙂 there was one time
when she told me a joke… and then i
ask her seriously what this joke is..
and then laugh back at me.. she laugh
all day long that her face turned
red.. I think that elda was the girl
of my dream.. because before the first
time i met her I had a dream. and my
dream was about a girl that looks like
her…. to be continued.. 🙂

Oct 07, 2003 07:45 AM
si elda….ahhh …. yummy.. heheh joke
lng…. si elda… hmmm matalino lng ng
konti sa akin… hehe .. at mas maputi
ng konti sa akin.. at mas maliit ng
konti sa akin at mas madaldal ako ng
konti.. ehehjehehe yun lang … at mas
mahal ko siya ng konti heheh